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sayg› olarak gösteriyor. Kaçakç›l›¤›n insan ticareti- turucu ve insan ticaretine duvar örüyordu. Polis vb
nin kökenine inmek gerekiyor. Bunun için Emile bunu istismar etti. Modern kölelik böyle do¤du. Av-
Durkheim’i iyi okumak gerekiyor. Sanayi devrimin- rupa’da insan haklar› söylemi geliflirken di¤er yan-
de geleneksel ba¤lar aras›nda büyük bir k›r›lma ya- da, komünizm sonras› kaosunda gençk›zlar ölümle,
fland›. Kimlikler parçaland›. ‹nsanlar kendilerine, baflka fleylerle tehdit edilerek kötü yollara itildi. Ba-
de¤erlerine yabanc›laflt›r›ld›. ‹nsanlara yeni sosyal z›lar› hala kay›p, baz›lar› ölü, baz›lar› sat›c› mafya-
yaflamlar dayat›ld›. Bu yeni yaflamlar bir yandan s›ndan korkarak sustu. Mesela eski Yugoslovya’da
yads›nd›, di¤er yandan sanayileflmenin yaratt›¤› kad›nlar bar›naklara kapat›l›p topluca yak›ld›. Bu
sosyal kurallardan kaç›fl arzusu do¤urdu. O dönem- insan kaçakç›l›¤› yasalar› hala görmezden geliniyor,
lerde idealize edilen Bat›’ya göçmenin kurtulufl ol- müsaade ediliyor. Göçlerin artt›¤› ülkelere bak›nca,
du¤u san›ld›. ‹nsanlar› Bat›’ya özendirme a¤lar› yoksulluk, bilgisizlik ve parçalanm›fl aile çocuklar›-
do¤du. Bat›’n›n bu idealize edilmifl kültür a¤lar›n- n› bu yola itiyor. Cinsiyet istismar› daha çok AB ül-
da, gençk›zlar, çocuklar avlan›p sat›ld›. Gençk›zlar kelerinde görülüyor. AB Konseyi, 2004 y›l›n›n Nisan
fahifleli¤e zorland›, sermaye yap›ld›. Çocuklar bu a¤ ay›nda ders verme kibiri ile uluslararas› suçlarla il-
sistemlerinde paraya dönüfltürüldü. Çocuklar›n, gili konseye ancak kat›lma zahmetinde bulundu.
gençk›zlar›n sat›ld›¤› bu sistemden ülkelerin güven- 2006 y›l›nda bu protokolü onaylad›.
lik güçleri, kamu güçleri de pay›n› ald›. Genç k›zla- Bu, insanl›k suçuna ve bu utanca dur demek
r›n ve çocuklar›n bedenlerini sermaye yapanlar, için, AB Bakanl›klar› bu konuda bilgi ak›fllar›n› güç-
toplumda kabul gördü, sayg›n üye statüsü elde et- lendirmeli, kararl›, ödünsüz politikalar uygulamal›,
tiler. Bu durum kabul görünce bu riski üstlenenle- sürdürülebilir çözüme gitmeli. Sivil toplumlar hare-
rin say›s› artt›. Üstelik göç alan ve göç veren ülke- kete geçirilmeli, anne, baba, aileler e¤itilmeli, ço-
lerin insan tüccarlar› aras›nda iflbirli¤i do¤du. 25 y›l cuklar›n› bu insan tuza¤› network’den uzak tutma-
önce, demir perde Bat› ile Do¤u’yu ay›r›yor, uyufl- l›, dikkatli olmal›, bu konuda yard›mc› olmal›lar.”
communist societies in transition, in Eastern Euro- and more vulnerable persons due to poverty, lack of
pe, at the end of twentieth century. The collapse of education and information. But the huge economic
communist dictatorships in this region brought the growth of human trafficking, persons used for illegal
people living in this space freedom, guarantees of labor, prostitution and sexual exploitation of minors
fundamental human rights, the opportunity to live of both sexes, comes also from the increasing de-
in democracy and improve their life in the new con- mand on the European Union markets.
ditions of a free market economy. Job loss and the Perhaps even because of the arrogance of teac-
difficulty of integrating young people on the new hing lessons to others the European Council decided
labor market have increased the desire to emigrate only in April 2004 to adhere to the UN Convention
in an idealized West, seen as the only solution for from November 15, 2000 against transnational orga-
a decent life or, at least, for survival. Very soon a nized crime. And only in July 2006, the European Co-
new kind of modern slavery proliferated and traffic- uncil approved, on behalf of the European Commu-
king networks have been internationalized and fo- nity, the Protocol on prevention, suppress and pu-
und accomplices from the police forces and other nish human trafficking, especially women and chil-
corrupt officials who became rich on the defense- dren, as additional protocol to the UN Convention. It
less victim. If we look at the phenomenon from the was just a first step, as along with preventive measu-
perspective of a market economy, we can see that res - as responsibility of European Union member
proliferation of human trafficking networks is not states and their obligations to protect victims, the
only the consequence of an increasing offer from most important thing is, in my opinion, to regulate
the post-communist states (or countries outside the cooperation between member states authorities
Europe). It is equally the consequence of an increa- for strengthening the borders control and for increa-
sing demand in the receiving countries, where traf- sing the efficiency in the exchange of information re-
fickers operate national networks or branches of garding members of human trafficking networks and
international networks recruiting vulnerable peop- other organized crime groups; and there is still more
le in the East to get rich, by subjecting them to for- to be done about it. A sustainable solution is not pos-
ced or illegal labor, prostitution and begging. sible without an exemplary mobilization of civil soci-
We must say it very clear: there are traffickers as ety, schools and parents, in order to identify vulne-
they are allowed to exist. Loopholes, the complicity rable people, especially underage, and to help them
of civil servants, magistrates’ tolerance are not likely not making hasty decisions that could result in a fall
to reduce human trafficking. At the same time, the under the influence of individuals expert in recruiting
economic downturn and financial crisis in the coun- for the benefit of traffickers networks and pimps. Era-
tries of origin contribute to increasing the supply, to dication of illicit human trafficking of people across
assuming risks to escape into the unknown of more all Europe is a matter of us all.”
72 KobiEfor Mart 2014