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Joelle Garriaud Maylam, insan ticaretiyle mücadele Maylam, Fransa’n›n geçen y›l konuya iliflkin yeni
konusunda çal›flan merkez ofislerinin, 2012 y›l›nda 52 bir yasa kabul etti¤ini hat›rlatarak, yap›lan çal›flmala-
uluslararas› flebeke ortaya ç›kard›¤›n› aç›klayarak, 2 r›n yan›s›ra ülke stratejisi içinde, bölgesel iflbirli¤inin
y›l öncesine göre bu say›n›n yüzde 13 artt›¤›n› ve ara- yatt›¤›n› dile getirdi. Bölgesel ve yerel aktörlerin
lar›nda özellikle Romen çetelerin bafl› çekti¤i 23 fle- biraraya getirilmesi ve STK’lar›n da sürece kat›lmas›
beke bulundu¤unu aktard›. Sorunun çözümü için ya- gerekti¤ini düflündüklerini kaydeden Maylam, Bat› Af-
p›lmas› gerekenler konusunda gerekli hukuki çerçe- rika’da özellikle Gine’de yürüttükleri çal›flmalar› anlat-
veleri oldu¤unu an›msatan Maylam, flunlar› kaydetti: t›. Joelle Garriaud Maylam, Gine Körfezi’ndeki ülkele-
“‹ki de önemli yasal araç var. Biri BM Palermo Kon- rin çok ciddi kölelik merkezi ve kad›nlarla çocuklar›n
vansiyonu. 2000 y›l›nda imzalanan bu konvansiyon, cinsel yolla kullan›ld›¤› bir bölge oldu¤unu belirterek,
örgütlü suça karfl› s›n›r ötesi ölçekte faaliyet gösteren insan ticaretinin bölgede yeralt› ekonomisi oluflturdu-
çok tarafl› bir anlaflma. 3 protokolü var ve özellikle ¤unu söyledi. Bunun bölgede sadece insani bir sorun
kad›n ve çocuklar›n ticaretini durdurmak ve cezalan- olmad›¤›n›, bölgesel ekonomileri etkiledi¤ini ve bü-
d›rmak amac›n› tafl›yan bir protokol. ‹kinci belge ise tün bir devleti istikrardan yoksun b›rakabilece¤ini
AB Konseyi 2005 Varflova Konvansiyonu. Burada da kaydeden Maylam, Fransa’n›n geçen y›l Kas›m ay›nda
çeflitli referans mekanizmalar› öngörülüyor. Son ola- 3 y›l sürecek bir öncelik dayan›flma fonu kurdu¤unu
rak AB son birkaç y›lda kapsaml› politikalar olufltur- belirterek, amac›n Gine Körfezi ülkelerinde insan tica-
du. Amaç insan ticaretini tamamen ortadan kald›r- retiyle mücadele etmek oldu¤unu ifade etti. Kame-
mak. Haziran 2012’de, 2016 y›l›na kadar devam ede- run, Benin, Togo, Gana ve Nijerya’n›n bölgede çok
cek bir strateji gelifltirildi.” Maylam, son 10 y›ld›r ciddi insan ticareti ak›fl›n›n gerçekleflti¤i ülkeler oldu-
Fransa’n›n yo¤un flekilde farkl› unsurlar› bir araya ge- ¤una dikkati çeken Maylam, burada temel amac›n
tirerek, insan ticaretine karfl› gelifltirilen uluslararas› devletleri güçlendirerek, insan ticaretiyle mücadele
enstrümanlar›n etkin flekilde uygulanabilmesi için ça- kapasitesini art›rmak ve onlara iyi uygulamalarla ör-
l›flt›¤›n› söyledi. nekler sunmak oldu¤unu kaydetti.
“The increase in scope of the eastern gangs has post of special Rapporteur on human trafficking. It
been steady these last 20 years. Our central Office has also supported the efforts of the UN within the
fort he repression of human trafficking has led to framework of the World initiative against human
the dismantling of 52 international networks in trafficking (called UN Gift), which was launched in
2012, 13 more than 2 years earlier. Among those, 2007 to improve coordination of all international
almost half (that is 23 networks) were led by Ruma- organizations working on the subject and helping
nian gangs.” Senator Maylam mentioned neces- financially the victims. France was also very active
sary legal and policy frameworks: “In fact we have in the working group on human trafficking within
a legal framework at our disposal, with two promi- the UN Office against drug and Crime, the work of
nent legal instruments. The first one is the UN Pa- this group having led to the UN adopting in 2010 an
lermo Convention. This UN 2000 Convention aga- Action Plan against human trafficking, in view of an
inst Transnational Organized Crime is a multilate- efficient implementation of the additional Protocol
ral treaty with a special emphasis on human traffic- to the Palermo Convention.
king through one of its three Protocols, the Proto- I would like also to mention our implication in
col to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in West Africa Countries of the Guinea Gulf have been
Persons, especially Women and Children. identified not only as a major centre of forced labo-
The second one is the Council of Europe Warsaw ur and of sexual exploitation of women and children,
Convention of 2005, which insist on the training of but also a hub for circular ways of human trafficking,
professionals and the implementation of a national they have been proved to be countries of origin, of
coordination mechanism, with the establishment transit and of destination. France launched in No-
of a national and transnational referral mecha- vember 2013 for a 3 years period what we call a Prio-
nisms. Finally the European Union has developed rity Solidarity Fund which helps the fight against
over the last few years a comprehensive policy and trafficking an Guinea Gulf State countries. It aims to
legislative framework to effectively eradicate hu- reinforce regional coordination in 5 countries (Ca-
man trafficking. In June 2012 it adopted a commu- meroon, Benin, Togo, Ghana and Nigeria) between
nication on a strategy for the years leading to which exist important trafficking flows. The main ob-
2016.” jective is to empower these States by improving the-
Then Senator Maylam gave information about ir capacity to fight trafficking. It encourages the exc-
France’s efforts against human trafficking in the hange of information on good practices. It wants to
last 10 years: “Within the Council of human rights, place the victim at the heart of everything when dea-
France has supported since 2004 the creation of a ling with this appalling crime against humanity.
70 KobiEfor Mart 2014