Page 77 - KobiEfor_Mart_2014
P. 77

ile ilgili tutuklanan kifli say›s›n›n 100 oldu¤unu, 43
          vakan›n da yarg› sürecine tabi tutuldu¤u bilgisini
          vererek, Estonya gibi küçük bir ülke için bu rakam-
          lar›n yüksek oldu¤unu söyledi. Ülke olarak insan ti-
          caretini önleme kapsam›nda yapt›klar› çal›flmalar ve
          düzenlemelerle ilgili bilgi veren Rüütel, bu kapsam-
          da BM’nin insan haklar› ofisiyle faal flekilde iflbirli-
          ¤i yapt›klar›n›, özellikle kad›n istismar› konusunda
          devlet programlar›nda farkl› etkinlik ve projeler ger-
          çeklefltirdiklerini bildirdi. Arnold Rüütel, konuflma-
          s›nda zorunlu göç kavram›na da de¤indi. Zorunlu
          göçün flimdiye dek, son y›llarda görülen rakamlara
          hiç ç›kmad›¤›n› hat›rlatan Rüütel, konuflmas›na flöy-
          le devam etti: “2012 de¤erlendirmelerine göre zo-
          runlu göçmen say›s› 15 milyon 400 bine ulaflm›flt›r.
          Göç baflvuru say›s› da 937 bin olmufltur. 28 milyon
          800 bin kifli ise kendi ülkesi içinde zorunlu göçe ta-
          bi tutulmufl. 2011 y›l›nda AB’de 7 milyon 600 bin ki-
          fli yafl›yordu, bu kifliler di¤er bölgelerden AB ülke-
          lerine göç eden kifli say›s›. Eski Sovyet Sosyalist
          Cumhuriyetler Birli¤i (SSCB) ülkelerinden gelen göç-
          le ilgili de büyük tehdit var. Mesela, Estonya yeni-
          den ba¤›ms›zl›¤›n› kazand›ktan sonra her y›l 80 bin
          kifli yeniden Estonya’ya göç ediyordu.”
            Rüütel, genel olarak yap›lmas› gerekenleri ise  sanlar için dönüfl flartlar›n› haz›rlamas› ve iyilefltir-
          flöyle aktard›: “Zorunlu göçün önüne geçmeyi, an-  mesi gerekiyor.” BM’nin bu konuda daha etkili mü-
          cak insanlar›n bulundu¤u ülkede flartlar›n› iyilefltir-  dahil olmas›n› istediklerini belirterek, “21. yüzy›lda
          mekle baflarabiliriz. Herhangi bir nedenle insanlar  yafl›yoruz ve bu zamanda art›k köle ticaretinden
          kendi ülkelerinden zorunlu olarak ç›kar›lm›flsa, göç  bahsetmek gerçekten utanç verici ve bununla mü-
          etmek zorunda kalm›flsa, kendi ülkelerinin bu in-  cadele çok s›k› flekilde devam etmeli” dedi.

           ut Estonia as well:  “The number of crimes related  tensive in the world as in recent years. According
           to human trafficking appears to be on the rise in  to estimations, in 2012 there were: 15.4 million
           Estonia as well. In 2013 this figure was 43. In Es-  refugees, 937,000 asylum seekers, 28.8 million
           tonia 100 arrests has taken places with regards  internally displaced people forced to flee their
           to this issue. The number may seem insignificant,  homes to another place in their country.  In 2011,
           but once you take into account the entire popula-  7.6 million people lived in the European Union
           tion of the European Union, this indicator for Es-  who originated from outside its member states.
           tonia is relatively high. In order to achieve grea-  The now independent former Soviet republics re-
           ter legal clarity, human trafficking was criminali-  call that due to internal migration eleven to twel-
           sed by Estonian legislation in 2012. When com-  ve million people a year changed their place of
           bating this problem, we proceed from the natio-  residence. Immigration to Estonia was around
           nal plan to reduce violence.                   80,000 people a year.”
             Estonia has been criticised for not paying eno-  Rüütel make suggestions as solution: “Based
           ugh attention to international human trafficking  on my own belief, a possible solution to the prob-
           problems. We have drawn serious conclusions    lem of involuntary migration could be a shift from
           from this criticism.  We support the work of the  involuntary migration (both domestic and exter-
           UN Human Rights Council.  Similarly, we support  nal) to an internally regulated migration, crea-
           the incorporation of the gender aspect into all UN  ting the means and conditions for people to re-
           initiatives, and fully support the newly-created  turn to their former homes if they wish to. We li-
           UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empower-  ve in the 21st century and must admit that the
           ment of Women.”                                slave trade is literally flourishing. We expect a
             Arnold Rüütel also mentioned involuntary mig-  more effective intervention from the UN in order
           ration: “According to international statistics, in-  to solve this problem. This requires the joint ef-
           voluntary migration has never before been as ex-  forts of all UN member states.”

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