Page 68 - KobiEfor_Mart_2014
P. 68


                                                                      21. yüzy›lda fikirlerin ve bilginin
                                                                ticarilefltirilmesi gerekirken, çocuk ve
                                                               kad›n bedeninin ticari bir meta olarak
           NURDAN                                                  hala kullan›lmas›na göz yumulmas›
                                                                                       utanç vericidir.
                                                                   It is shameful that in 21st century,
                                                            unfortunately, children and woman body
            CUMHURBAfiKANLARI OTURUMU                          can be able to be used as a commercial
                                                              meta while information and ideas have
                  PRESIDENTIAL SESSION                                         to be commercialized.

            ‹STEMS‹Z GÖÇ                                                             HUMAN

                  ve PALERMO                                  TRAFFICKING AND
                  PROTOKOLÜ                                                   PROTOCOL

              Avrasya Ekonomi Zirvesi’nin Cumhurbaflkanlar›  meta olarak hala kullan›lmas›na göz yumulmas›
           Oturumu’nda Küreselden Yerele ‹nsan Ticareti: ‘‹s-  utanç vericidir. Komünizm sonras› dönemde, ço-
           temsiz Göç’ temas› ifllendi.                     cuklar ve gençk›zlar, bat›n›n idealize edilmifl kültür
              Oturumda, ‘‹nsan Ticareti’nin insanl›k suçu oldu-  a¤lar›nda sat›ld›lar, sermaye yap›ld›lar, en ac›s› da
           ¤una, Palermo Protokolü’nün tam uygulanmas›na,  kad›n ve çocuk bedeni üzerinden zengin olanlar
           ‹nsan Ticareti’nin utanc›na ancak siyasi irade ve  toplumda sayg›n üye statüsü elde ettiler. Bu utan-
           uluslararas› toplumun iflbirli¤i ile son verilebilece¤i-  ca,  bu kölelefltirme faaliyetine art›k son verilmeli”
           ne de¤inildi.                                   diyen konuflmac›lar, Palermo Protokolü üyelerini
              “21. yüzy›lda fikirlerin ve bilginin ticarilefltirilme-  h›zla çözüme, üye olmayan uluslar› ise imzaya ve
           si gerekirken, çocuk ve kad›n bedeninin ticari bir  iflbirli¤ine ça¤›rd›lar.

               Theme of the Presidential Session of Eurasian  uld commercialize. However, shamefully usage of
             Economic Summit was “Human Trafficking from   flesh of women and children is being overlooked.
             Local to Global: Involuntary Migration”. In the  In the post-communist era, children and young wo-
             session, it is mentioned that human trafficking is  men became capital and the worst of all people,
             a crime against humanity. Also Palermo Protocol  who became rich due to using women and chil-
             and importance of political will and international  dren, now has a prestigious place among society.
             cooperation for solving human trafficking was  Speakers agreed on ending this enslaving activity.
             stressed.                                     Called Palermo Protocol Members for a solution
               In the 21st century, ideas and information sho-  and non-members to membership and signature.

           68 KobiEfor Mart 2014
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