Page 69 - KobiEfor_Mart_2014
P. 69

Palermo Protokolü’nde                         organ ticaretinin en s›k rastlanan insan ticareti bi-
            Fransa bölgesel rol oynuyor                   çimleri oldu¤unu aktard›. Maylam, Berlin Duvar›’n›n
                             Frans›z Senatör Joelle Gar-  y›k›lmas› ve eski Sovyetler Birli¤i ülkeleriyle s›n›rla-
                           riaud Maylam,  Türkiye’nin, in-  r›n ortadan kalkmas›yla birlikte, insan ticaretinde
                           san ticaretiyle mücadele için  geliflme görüldü¤ünü belirterek, 2008-2010 tarihle-
                           bölgede çok önemli bir nüfusa  ri aras›nda yaklafl›k 25 bin kiflinin insan ticareti
                           sahip oldu¤unu belirterek,     ma¤duru oldu¤unu söyledi. Ma¤durlar›n 3’te 2’si-
                           “Balkanlar, Orta Asya ve Do¤u  nin Avrupal› oldu¤unu, bunlar›n özellikle Bulgaris-
                           Avrupa’da yap›lmas› gereken    tan ve Romanya’dan geldi¤ini aç›klayan Maylam,
         Joelle Garriaud   çok fley var. ‹nsan ticaretiyle  AB’nin, durumun vahametinin fark›nda oldu¤unu ve
         Maylam            mücadele önceli¤imiz olmal›,   Stockholm Program› aç›s›ndan insan ticaretini en
                           yard›m›n›za ihtiyac›m›z var” de-  önemli gündem maddeleri aras›nda ald›¤›n› dile ge-
                           di. Maylam, Birleflmifl Milletler  tirdi. Bu ma¤durlar, kendileri için daha iyi bir hayat
          (BM) Palermo Sözleflmesi’nin insan ticaretini çok  istiyorlar. Mafya çevrelerinde onlara borç veren ki-
          ayr›nt›l› flekilde betimledi¤ini anlatt›. Maylam, insan  fliler oluyor. Bu kifliler, ya kendilerini ya da çocuk-
          ticaretinin AB Temel Haklar fiart›’n›n 5. maddesine  lar›n› Bat› Avrupa’ya göndereceklerini, böylece ev-
          göre yasaklanm›fl olsa da, suç niteli¤i tafl›yan faali-  lerine para yard›m› yapabileceklerini söylüyor. Son-
          yetlerin küreselleflen dünyada yeniden ortaya ç›kt›-  ra insanlar, bu kiflilerden para ödünç al›yor; ac› ger-
          ¤›na dikkati çekti. Burada hukuki tan›mlar›n ve so-  çe¤i Fransa, ‹talya ya da ‹spanya’ya ayak bas›p fu-
          ¤uk istatistiklerin arkas›nda yatan son derece trajik  hufla zorland›ktan sonra ya da sokaklarda dilenme-
          olaylar›n varl›¤›na iflaret eden Maylam, taciz, zorla  ye bafllad›ktan sonra anl›yor ancak mafya ile ba¤-
          dilendirilme, ev iflçisi ve köle olarak çal›flt›r›lma ve  lant›lar›n› bir türlü kopartam›yor.”

             France has a regional role in Palermo Protocol
              French Senator Joelle Garriaud Maylam, stres-  to have been its victims between 2008 and 2010.
           sed importance of Turkey for struggle against hu-  Almost two thirds of the victims come from Europe,
           man trafficking: “Much to do in Balkans, Central  especially from Bulgaria and Romania. The EU is
           Asia and East Europe. Campaign against human   deeply aware of how serious the situation is and
           trafficking should be our priority and we need  has made the fight against this trafficking one of
           help.”                                         the priorities of the Stockholm programme, an ac-
              “This “human trafficking”  takes us back cen-  tion plan aiming at developing an area of justice
           turies ago, to a dark period of our history, the ti-  freedom and security.”
           me of slavery. Although they are spesifically pro-  “ Creditors who gravitate around mafia circles
           hibited by article 5 of the Charter of the funda-  convince them to send their children, or go them-
           mental Rights of the European Union, these crimi-  selves to Western Europe under a promise of easy
           nal activities have gained a renewal in our globa-  Money which would lead them to returning home
           lized World. Hidden behind the legal definition  with enough to build their own home. They then
           and the cold statistics, the individual stories are  borrow more money to pay for the trip. A large
           tragic and the ways of exploiting people quite va-  number of these poor people discover the truth
           ried: sexual exploitation, forced labour and beg-  and their fate only when they step onto French, Ita-
           ging, domestic slavery, organs trafficking     lian or Spanish territory anda re forced to prostitu-
           amongst the most common.                       te themselves or to start begging on the streets.
              The European Union hasn’t been spared this ter-  They feel then linked to their mafia creditors, and
           rible phenomenon. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall  keep on hoping they will earn one day enough Mo-
           and the borders opening in countries formerly un-  ney to go back home. They are also afraid of the
           der Soviet rule, this human trafficking has greatly  poliçe whom they fear might come down heavily
           developed.: close to 25.000 persons are supposed  on them.”

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