Page 79 - KobiEfor_Mart_2014
P. 79
Göç 400 milyar dolarl›k çerçevede de¤erlendirilmeli” dedi. Halihaz›rda in-
ekonomi yarat›yor san ticaretine 27 milyon kiflinin kurban edildi¤ini,
Slovenya 3. Cumhurbafl- bunun modern esaret oldu¤una dikkati çeken Da-
kan› Danilo Türk, bugün gö- nilo Türk, insan ticaretine son vermenin zorlu bir
çün mega bir trend, küresel görev oldu¤unu ancak, bunun flu ana kadar çok
bir fenomen oldu¤unu, ulus- fazla ciddiye al›nm›fl bir konu olmad›¤›n› en önem-
lararas› örgütlerin kay›tlar›- li sorumlulu¤un ise siyasette oldu¤unu vurgulad›.
na göre 242 milyon kiflinin Slovenya’n›n göç konusunda çok ön planda olma-
göç etti¤ini belirtti. Bütün d›¤›n› ama transit konumunda bulundu¤una iflaret
Danilo göstergelerin göçün artaca- eden Türk, “Bir flekilde size flunu dürüstçe itiraf
¤›na iflaret etti¤ini, istemli edeyim ki; mesela Slovenya’da s›radan vatandafla
göçün her sene 400 milyar soracak olsan›z ‘‹nsan ticareti problemi sorun mu-
dolarl›k bir gelir oluflturdu- dur, de¤il midir?’ diye, ço¤u flöyle bir duraklar. Do-
¤unu, bu rakam›n kalk›nma yard›mlar›n› bile aflt›¤›- lay›s›yla alg› bafll› bafl›na bir sorun asl›nda” dedi.
n› dile getiren Türk, BM bünyesinde konuya iliflkin Problemin temel özelli¤inin modern esir talebinde-
yüksek istiflare toplant›lar›n›n gerçekleflti¤ini ifade ki art›fl oldu¤unun unutulmamas›n› isteyen Türk,
etti. Göçmenlerin insan haklar›n›n önemli oldu¤u- esareti önlemede tek bafl›na bu enstrümanlar›n ye-
nu aktaran Türk, “Ülkeye gelen insanlara devletler terli olmad›¤›n›, ülkenin tüm yönetim kadrolar›nda
nas›l bir çal›flma hakk› tan›mal›. Göçmen iflçiler ifl- problemi çözmeyi asli görev görmesi gerekti¤ini
çi kapsam›nda m› ele al›n›yor. Ayr›mc›l›k yasa¤› bu söyledi.
Migration creates 400 billion dollars economy
3rd President of Slovenia Danilo Türk, defined crimination has to be strengthened both as a
migration as a mega trend and a global phenome- fundamental legal principle to be applied in
non: “There are 232 million international migrants practice and as a fundamental human value
today. The economic effects of international migra- which requires constant political support and
tions have become enormous. Let us take only the cultural attention. At the time of growing xenop-
example of migrant remittances: At 400 billion $ in hobia and political extremism these are political
2012 the levels of migrants’ remittances are many tasks of the greatest importance.”
times higher than official development assistance “Around 27 million human beings victims of
and roughly equivalent to the total Foreign Direct trafficking. Human trafficking is a modern form of
Investment.. slavery and must be eliminated. The traffickers
President Türk stressed importance of human and all those who are abetting them, including - as
rights of immigrants: “It is said that human the case may be - public officials, must be prosecu-
rights are universal. Therefore they must apply ted and punished. All these phenomena need to be
fully to migrants. In the time of hardship and fi- combated.”
nancial uncertainty such as we presently experi- Danilo Türk stated that, human trafficking is not
ence in Europe it is particularly important to pay a main issue in Slovenia. Slovenia is a transit co-
due attention to the rights of the most exposed untry for human trafficking. “I must confess, many
and the vulnerable. Migrant workers are among people in Slovenia will hesitate to a question abo-
them and very often they are the first to lose jobs ut human trafficking. So, perception is itself is a
or to experience other forms of hardship. It is problem on its own. Main reason of the problem is
therefore not surprising that the UN human increase in demand of modern slaves. Current ins-
rights bodies insist on the principle of non-dis- truments are not enough to solve the slavery. All
crimination as an essential basis for policy ma- executives of the countries should work for solving
king at the time of shrinking resources. Non-dis- the problem.”
Mart 2014 KobiEfor 79