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and your specific requirements. Then, we match your re-
quirements to the extensive range of instrumentation val-
ves and fittings we have to offer.
If we don’t have the exact product you require, we
will do our utmost to develop it. Our customers in
the semiconductor, food, transportation, biotech-
nology, petrochemical, pulp and paper, mining
and space industries depend on our reliability,
high-quality and consistent performance.
Ham-Let offers innovative solutions for mate-
rials management, new supply chains and logis-
tics. For example, the Ham-Let Stock machine
designed for factory floors provides immediate access to
critical parts. Whether it’s in deep space, or many meters
under the ocean, there’s no room for error. So when it co-
mes to delivering quality, Ham-Let doesn’t compromi- refinery plants and
se.Quality pervades everything we do from concept to gas handling systems are
completion. QA experts with years of experience oversee all highly sensitive to reliability and safety issues. Ham-
every aspect of our industrial processes: from raw mate- Let products for the industrial applications are designed
rials inspection during production and through final safety to meet and exceed these standards.
checks, ensuring each and every product adheres to inter- Process Instrumentation
national quality standards. The result: Quality that you Process automation, monitoring and control are achie-
can rely on. Every time, all the time. Outstanding perfor- ved by using various types of instrumentation systems.
mance depends on excellent organization and flexibility. These systems share a common need for flow, pressure
It’s all about planning: from concept through delivery to and temperature control. High performance components
our customers worldwide. Every aspect of the design, de- are required to satisfy the need for safe, reliable and ma-
velopment, production and marketing of Ham-Let pro- intenance free equipment.
ducts is under tight control. No detail - no matter how Power Generation
small - is overlooked. It’s our dedication to excellent per- The common types of power generation are based on
formance and outstanding quality that ensures our custo- principals of energy conversion. Water and steam are
mers get what they want, when they want it. used as energy “carriers” between the different stages of
All you can find the HAM-LET Products ready to electricity production. The power industry is facing an in-
be serve in any urgent time at Borsen’s great creasing demand for higher levels of efficiency, emission
stocks opportunities. control and safety, which leads to higher requirements for
mechanical and chemical endurance from tubing and flow
The product range to served as fallows;Instrumentati- control components.
on components for the process control and measurement Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Natural Gas
industry.Our products include Let-Lok compression fit- Future resources of alternative clean energy are one of
tings, One-Lok single ferrule fittings, Pipe fittings and 37° the most important economical activities of the industrial
flare fittings, Ball valves, Needle valves, Check valves, Re- world. Hydrogen systems and fuel cells production and
lief valves, Filters and Accessories. Long life cycles, accu- usage, create new technological challenges for high pres-
racy and flexibility deliver best value to our customers. sure gas systems designers. The extremely high pressure
High purity fluid and gas system components for high pu- of a flammable gas requires creative solutions, which are
rity applications and processes for the semiconductor, based on years of experience in different industrial and
pharmaceutical, and other industries. engineering field. Ham-Let is continuously expanding its
HAM-LET® Advanced Control Technology dedicates it- product certifications to ECE R110 and ISO 15500 stan-
self to being your perfect partner. dards for use in Natural Gas and Hydrogen applications.
Here is also some applications that you can use all Chemical
Ham-Let Productions in a real safety mode; Highly corrosive, toxic and flammable fluids are com-
Oil & Gas Industries monly used in the chemical and petro-chemical industries.
From exploration through refining, from crude oil thro- Increasing demand for safety and reliability requires the
ugh high octane fuel, the oil and gas industry requires the highest level of flow control components manufactured
highest level of flow control components to achieve the and supplied by Ham-Let. Sensitive equipment for analyti-
high standards of reliability, corrosion resistance, vibrati- cal and process control applications must be hooked up
on, temperature cycles and pressure surges. Offshore rigs, with the most reliable and easy to use components.