Page 21 - KobiEfor_Nisan_2013
P. 21


              Avrasya Bölgesi’ndeki ülkelerin Türkiye’ye dönük  ya Ekonomi Zirveleri din adamlar›n›n da ilgisini çek-
              ilgi ve iliflkileri Avrasya Ekonomi Zirveleri ne   mektedir. Katolik dünyas›n›n, Ortodoks birlikteli¤i-
              yönde ve nas›l etkilendi?                     nin, Müslüman aleminin, Musevilik camias›n›n ve
              Akkan Suver: Onalt› y›lda, ortaya koydu¤umuz iti-  Budist çevrelerin temsil edildi¤i Avrasya Ekonomi
            bar bizi Avrasya s›n›rlar›n›n d›fl›na tafl›d›.    Zirveleri’ne Prenses, Prens düzeyinde de kat›l›mlar
              Afrika’dan Latin Amerika ülkelerine kadar bir co¤-  olmaktad›r.
            rafyada, Avrasya Ekonomi Zirveleri art›k kabul gören  Mütevazi imkanlarla gerçeklefltirdi¤imiz Avrasya
            uluslararas› bir prestij birlikteli¤i olarak de¤erlendi-  Ekonomi Zirveleri’ne yabanc›lar›n inan›lmaz ölçüde
            rilmektedir.                                    ve çapta kat›l›mlar›n›; bizler, bir sivil toplum kurulu-
              Daha genifl bir deyimle yaln›z devlet adamlar› ta-  flunun baflar›s›ndan çok, devletimizin yüksek düzey-
            raf›ndan de¤il, ifl dünyas›nca da takdir edilen Avras-  deki itibar›n›n bir iflareti olarak de¤erlendirmekteyiz.

               How and from what direction have Eurasian    among its participants.
               countries’ interests and relations with respect  We consider the incredible amount of foreign in-
               to Turkey affected the Eurasian Economic     terest in and participation at the Eurasian Economic
               Summits?                                     Summits, which we execute with modest means, as
               Akkan Suver: The reputation we have establis-  a sign of our state’s high esteem, not of our success
             hed in the last sixteen years has carried us beyond  as a civil society organization.
             the frontiers of Eurasia. The Eurasian Economic  As you know, the Marmara Group Foundation is
             Summits are now perceived as a prestigious gathe-  a civil thought organization. The activities we have
             ring in lands stretching from Africa to Latin America.  initiated as a civilian thought organization are ac-
               In broader terms, not only statesmen but the in-  cepted in the international arena in the name of the
             ternational business world and clergymen have al-  existence of civilian conviction.
             so come to appreciate the Eurasian Economic Sum-  The realization of Turkey’s EU road map is the
             mits. The Catholic World, Orthodox groups, the  Marmara Group Foundation’s ideal, its goal. At this
             Muslim World, Jewish Community and Buddhist    point I would like to stress that there is no adequa-
             circles are all represented at the Eurasian Economic  te praise for the image our state has presented to
             Summits, which also counts princes and princesses  the world,

            22 KobiEfor Nisan 2013
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